The Limit Does Not Exist: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
Helping veterinary professionals create and maintain better work related boundaries.
I can help!
Are you a chronic people pleaser?
Feel terrible saying no?
Always want to make sure people are taken care of?
Want people to see how “generous” you are?
Chronic generosity, overextending yourself, and always being a “yes” person will eventually lead to burnout.
Ask me how I know.
Over time, this overextension of yourself leads to exhaustion, frustration, and resentment.
Here’s the thing. If you always want to be available for people, but then get frustrated when people want things from you on your day off…
If you always say yes to end of the day walk-ins and then get upset about having to stay late…
If you call or e-mail clients from home but get upset about not being able to leave work at work…
If you bend over backwards for clients that don’t appreciate you and then get upset about how high maintenance your clients are…
Your resentment is showing you where your boundaries are.
In control of your boundaries
In touch with your emotions
Connected and compassionate with your coworkers, clients, and patients
Free to leave resentment behind
Motivated and energized about your work, and your life
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here!
FREE PREVIEWTips for moving through this course
Who am I?
Why am I so passionate about boundaries?
Everybody's got boundaries! What do yours look like?
Three types of boundaries overview
Where do boundaries show up for us?
Crossing the Line: Most Common Boundaries Crossed in Vet Med
Figuring out where to begin
Two important questions
Exploring external factors vs. self-limiting beliefs
My own experience!
Tackling those external factors
Journal prompts for self-limiting beliefs
What are simple boundaries we can enforce for ourselves?
Dealing with the dreaded unsolicited questions about other people's pets
Setting and maintaining boundaries with those you work with
Setting and maintaining boundaries with clients
Feeling worried about how this will affect others?
Affirmations around boundaries
The Limit Does Not Exist Workbook
Book and resource recommendations!
Work with me!
The Limit Does Not Exist Feedback Form
Take the course on it's own, or bundle the course and a 1:1 coaching call with me so we can dive deeper!
Course Price
Course + 1:1 coaching session
You feel emotionally exhausted and feel you could use some balance
You struggle to say "no"
You feel taken advantage of by your clients, coworkers, friends, or boss
You know that your boundaries could be improved, but don't know where to start
You are a veterinarian, vet tech, or assistant looking to make a change that benefits your wellbeing